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My favorite 2017 Movies

Hey everyone, 2017 is almost over and boy did it deliver bunch of great films. I think this year, I've covered most of movies that came out and I can safely list my favorites of the bunch. My picks are based on the originality of the direction, whether the plot was well knitted and, of course, how much enjoyable to watch.

I just want to point out that this list includes some independent and foreign films,I really think most people will enjoy them and I would inquire you to check them out.

some really bad ones.

But first here’s to my honorable mention:

the shape of water: it was so hard to take it out of the list since the direction and the plot were original not to mention the beautiful cinematography. Buuut… I kinda enjoyed it a little less than the other ten I picked out.

Star Wars: I had so much fun watching this movie. The humour was spot on, the storyline was great. I loved everything about it and I can’t wait to see how the plot will develop in later chapters.

Loving Vincent I tried so hard to make it on the list because of the beautiful artwork and I appreciated the angle from which they chose to tell Van Gogh’s story (review here), but again this year had a lot of great movies.

Baby driver (obviously), Brigsby bearfilm is sadly underrated. It’s about family, compassion and understanding. It was original, consistent and it had heart, Ingrid goes west: : not only did we get to see Audrey plaza in a new role and how she developed as an actress, but the dark humour here was witty and poignant, and it hit home, especially in this Instagram-frenzy era. Also, I would like to mention: Beatriz at dinner, girls trip, Detroit, landline, the only living boy in New York. With no further ado, here are my personal choices:

10. A Ghost Story

A Ghost Story_ Rooney Mara

the story of a ghost shot in an aspect ratio of 1.33:1 and from different points in time. It’s a story about yearning, grief and love. It’s also a movie that requires a bit of patience and an open mind to its creative form.

9. Get out


It’s been quiet a while, I think since Gone girl, that I’ve been so engrossed in a thriller.

8. It comes At Night

If you’ve read my review about the movie, you would figure that it would make it on the list. If however you haven’t you can find it here.

7. Lady Bird:

This coming of age film scrutinizes teenage life and celebrates its messiness and the confusion that comes with it.

6. Dunkirk

Dunkirk was one of the most anticipated films of the year. Well, Christopher Nolan never disappoints. Nominated for an academy award for sound editing, movie score and best director should give you an idea about the quality of that movie, especially, considering how slim the dialogue was.

5. Wonder Woman

By far one of the best superhero movie I’ve ever seen, it had substance, a good original story. Although the ending was a bit childish the first time I saw it but the second time around I wasn’t mad at it anymore.

Wonder Woman

4. Beach Rats

Beach Rats

It comes as no surprise this movie is one of my top favorites this year, review here.

3. Wind river

Elisabeth Olsen and Renner’s fourth movie together. Why? They have amazing chemistry, they complement each other.

Wind River

2. 3 billboards outside ebbing, Missouri

Three billboards ebbing misouri

What I liked most about this movie is how the story was sort of a snapshot in …..’s life. The story had a specific time frame, it wasn’t about how it came to be or how it ended sort of just like living in the moment.

As for my N°1 favorite movie of the year, it came down to ….

1. Call me by your name

Call Me By your Name

the story of a boy falling in love for the first time and let alone with an older guy, during a lazy summer in Italy. The confusion, the heartache, the ethereal happiness that comes with first love, it’s all there. That, plus a great cast, beautiful cinematography and a great score makes this movie my favorite movie of the year.


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